East Timor Sunrise Inc.

What are we up to this month

East Timor Sunrise Inc. is an incorporated body under the Northern Territory Associations Incorporation Act.

JULY 2004

All East Timor Sunrise supporters.

Leeuwin Care is ready to receive another shipment of goods.
Two shipping containers will be packed ready for shipment at the Working Bee Saturday 17 July from 8.00am until the task is completed!

Meet at the Meeting Hall Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) Cnr Boulter Road and Vanderlin Drive, Berrimah (Almost opposite the Police and Citizens Youth Club)


Please wear enclosed shoes.

Unfortunately we will will not be able to provide any catering so bring your own food and drinks (eg. sports drinks, water).

Please call Lynne on 8981 2612 if you need further information or if you are able to assist with transport to collect goods.

Hope to see you at the Working Bee on Saturday 17 July when the containers will be packed.


Urgent Request

An 8 year old boy in Dili is in desperate need of a wheel chair. If you can held please contact Lynne me as soon as possible either by telephone on 8981 2612 or email at (biggmob@telstra.com).

On behalf of East Timor Sunrise Inc. July 2004

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