Photo Gallery - Maria Soares and other patients awaiting surgery
by Robin Taudevin
Baby Maria with her father
and mother in their Dili home, Apr 4 2006. Donations from
Australia mean this baby can go to Australia for emergency
surgery. |
Virginia Dawson, a Bairo Pite coordinator,
discusses with Maria's family about their upcoming trip
to Australia. |
There are many individuals in Timor-Leste who need life
saving surgery.
Five year old Bonifacio has needed heart surgery since
birth. Boni has regularly spent time in hospital. He doesn't
go to school, as excitement might provoke heart failure.
His father scrapes a living by collecting cans, and the
child's illness is a major burden on the family's meagre
Adults as well as children need life saving surgery.
Cipriano, 25, needs heart surgery that can only be performed
overseas. He has had to stop school due to his heart condition.
There is no possibility of help in Timor-Leste.
Jenita has had a tumour growing on
her spine since birth. She can stand if she holds onto something,
but cannot walk on her own. The condition is inoperable
in Timor-Leste. |
Your donation can help these
and other patients gain access to life-saving operations that
are unavailable in Timor-Leste. Please DONATE
For a closer look at some of the other patients
currently in the clinic, please visit the Patients
photo gallery.
For more photography by Robin Taudevin, please
visit his website at:
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